Monday, June 27, 2011

I've been KISSed

Two free tickets to the recent KISS concert?!

Why yes, yes, I will.

Can you say people watching?  There were 7 year olds and 70 year olds.  Gene Simmons is right up there too.  In fact, the open vested, made up legendary band was in Spokane last weekend and they rocked the Arena.  Their entertaining pyrotechnic display of rock and roll exceeded my expectations.  

One idea:  zip up those costumes. Chests should not be publicly shown after you turn 45 years old.

I enjoy a wide variety of music.  From KISS to Norah Jones, I have a plethora of vinyl, CDs and iTunes at the ready.  My favorite band is Def Leppard however KISS wasn't too bad.  

Do you remember your first concert?  I was 15 and my friends and I went to the Scorpions, Blackout tour.  

But this past weekend, I was part of the KISS Army.  In fact, right after the concert, as I was driving home, I was rear ended by a woman.  She kissed my bumper.  She was insured but slightly intoxicated.  I didn't ask her whether she was at the KISS concert - frankly, I just wanted to get home safely.  What I can't understand is the statistic I learned the next morning when I picked up the paperwork for the accident report.

I pulled into my local fire station and a nice firefighter greeted me.  He said, "what happened?"  I explained the accident.  He said, "that doesn't surprise me, you live in Spokane and you have a red car." 

"90% of the rear enders in the state of Washington occur by/against red vehicles."

That's it.  I am turning in my car for a new color.  You see, this is the second time I've been rear ended in two years.  Granted, the other time, I was in Oregon but it was the day before I was moving back to Washington.  

So, I am on a mission.  A new color.  Your thoughts?  Or, maybe, I should jump on the KISS Army bandwagon and buy a camouflage Humvee. 

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